Hypoluxo Homes for sale from $100,000 to $200,000

There are currently 1 MLS Listings in the search: $100,000 to $200,000 | Homes for Sale in Hypoluxo, FL. Click on a listing to the view property details, photos and agent comments. If you would like to change or expand your search criteria, go back to the main Hypoluxo page, or try using our Advanced Search.

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9 N Loafing Street Hypoluxo, FL 33462 Land for Sale, Single Family Detached

Living Area: 0 SqFt
Waterfront: Yes
This is a spectacular lot on the water, with a very low HOA payment of $160.00 a month that includes water, trash and lawn service. This is the least ... Listing courtesy of Epique Realty, Inc.


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For more information about buying or selling property in Hypoluxo, please contact Mark Rucco at 561-737-0366.